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Bus from BCN Barcelona airport to Sitges

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BCN Barcelona airport to Sitges by bus

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    RECOMMEND: Monbus for terminal 1 (via BA etc.) or train for terminal 2 (low cost airlines)

    Monbus to Sitges costs about 6 euros.
    It stops in Sitges past the Oasis Centre – go under the bridge to reach the town. Always check bus is to Sitges not Barcelona, the other way! (monbus.cat)

    Leaves every 30 minutes/takes 25 minutes/from Terminal 1 stands 8-10 but often 7/’mon-bus’ livery with red or blue & white/around €6 one-way to Sitges (no return tickets : pay the driver).

    Mon Bus from the airport outside Terminal 1 on the lower ground level.

    From terminal 2 it is reached via a free ‘green’ shuttle bus… boarded at T2B, under the walkway/bridge. Every 6 – 7 minutes, a 4k journey, 24 hours per day. At T2, bus to Sitges leaves from the opposite side of the road, to the shuttle drop off point.

    Alternatively board shuttle, directly outside train platform, every 30 mins to coincide with trains arrival.

    In Sitges, it goes to and from one Sitges town stop on Rambla del Migdia, alongside Parc Can Robert (by the big ‘SITGES’ letters). Reached 150m from towns main road via roundabout out of town into Rambla del Migdia/Passeig Vilafranca, under the railway bridge to the first bus stop.
    (often late and occasionally don’t arrive : watch for it, as it passes the stop to turn at the roundabout but won’t pickup elsewhere)
    SITGES TO AIRPORT 7AM BUS TRIP (plus info on other stops)
    Sitges Càmping Sitges 06:51
    Sitges La Masia 06:52
    Sitges Avgda Sofia, 43 06:54
    Sitges Parc Can Robert 07:00
    Airport Terminal 1 07:30

    Trips sometimes start at around 7am & end at approaching 11pm –
    Sunday does have a reduced service (latest info = monbus.cat/?lang=en)

    You can go by train : One route out of the airport station, one stop to El Prat de Llobregat: change there for Sitges (cross from that set of platforms to the set opposite) rodalies.gencat.cat (T-10 ticket gives you free transfers)
    MORE: realsitges.com/train-from-bcn-barcelona-airport-to-sitges/

    (From Barcelona city a change at Passeig de Gracia will be much easier than in Sants)

    Taxi to Sitges typically costs 60€ (have seen it for 50€ for a short time) BarcelonaLimo.com can provide a more VIP Sitges trip Around 25 to 30 mins (if you agree to the tolls fee, on the way, of less than 10€). Possibly a good idea if your hotel is a distance from the bus stop/railway bridge, next to Sitges main roundabout
    MORE: realsitges.com/taxi-fare-bcn-barcelona-airport-to-sitges/

    Want to go to Castelldefels? : Terminal 2 take the train and change at El Prat de Llobregat to R2Sud trains to Castelldefels.
    L99 bus all the way is slower or take PR1 bus to El Prat de Llobregat station for a train

    BEWARE: Pickpockets target travellers in crowds, bus lines and by distraction or bumping in to you : Barcelona authorities are not stopping it

    admin - May 27, 2017 | Reply

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