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Asked by: admin 925 views day trip, excursions Excursions
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Places to visit from Sitges: WITH A CAR Tarragona (if they like roman stuff) Montserrat if they like nice mountains)
Tossa de mar & Roses are nice beach resorts, however younger people are unlikely to see the need to leave Sitges for another resort.
Port Aventura & Ferrari Land Theme Park, not that far, near Salou will be a hit
WITHOUT A CAR Sitges has an ‘its a knockout’, style, adventure park : ocioaventurasitges.com A walk either way down the coast can be fun for teens. Some adventure & nature, a few are close-by ExperienceSitges.com has ideas and info, for trips from Sitges
Barcelona (City & landmarks via public transport)
admin - May 27, 2017 | Reply
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